martes, 14 de julio de 2009

Pottery from Mata Ortiz

Mata Ortiz is a tiny village, located in the northern state of Chihuahua México, a village with neither electricity, running water nor any industry, people where totally dependent in agriculture and open-range cattle rising. Juan Quezada changed all of that, when he learned independently pottery technology from trial and error, now here are more than 300 artisans supporting themselves with their pottery, creating some of the finest hand-built pottery in the world.

Mata Ortiz es un pequeño poblado localizado al norte de Chihuahua México, un poblado sin electricidad, agua potable y ninguna industria, la gente dependía totalmente de la agricultura o' crianza de ganado a campo abierto. Juan Quezada cambio todo esto, cuando de forma independiente aprendía la técnica de la alfarería através de la prueba y error, ahora existen mas de 300 artesanos que se mantienen de la venta de sus creaciones en cerámica, creando unas de las piezas mas finas elaboradas a mano en el mundo

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